Orcia Valley and UNESCO

The Orcia Valley is a place in which today the agricultural character of its economy and the persistence of its residents in activities related to land or to the processing of local raw materials have safeguarded the relationship between man and environment, elevating him to a dignity almost anywhere unknown.

But this valley is not only a place widely poetic and captivating naturalistically, helping to the handing down of a system of human relations historically determinate along the largest and oldest Romea road, the Francigena. The set of signs that have developed along allows a reading of the landscape not much different from the one that captivated the great Sienese painters of antiquity or the Renaissance, European travelers of the “grand- tour”, the writers of the sentimental journey English, German, French.

The scenery of the Orcia Valley helps the natural harmony with its symmetry everywhere, in soft rolling hills, the vertical  Amiata, a mountain source of clear water, energy and plant life. In colors of clay or golden of the hills, the vegetation becomes dark around thick fortresses, rows of the vineyards and ranks of silvery olive trees. The sunny, emptiness, light enjoys from there, hardly indifference, the Val d’Orcia is a continuous escape of hills without visible gaps, variously shaped by streams, gullies, knolls and biancane that always run each other in color ashen clay. The Francigena, winding in the middle of this beautiful but hostile nature for centuries, allows its small towns to grow on pride of an ancient people accustomed to sharing dreams, utopias and arrogance of powerful and famous men.

Orcia Valley, a farming community that has never surrendered to progress, welcomes guests as wayfarers and pilgrims and makes them active witnesses and participants in a tried and sincere friendliness.